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>home/products & services/domain names/faq's Tuesday, March 11, 2025    

.NAME Domain Name Questions


  1. Who operates the .name registry?
  2. What is the purpose of the .name extension?
  3. Are there any restrictions about who can register?
  4. In what format do .name domain names need to be?
  5. How long is the registration term?
  6. Am I charged for unsuccessful applications?
  7. Can I register a .name domain name without the email forwarding address or a .name email forwarding address without the domain name?
  8. What is the .name application process and how long does it take?
  9. Do I get an email account with my .name bundle?
  10. Where does my email forwarding address forward to?


  1. Who operates the .name registry?

    The .name registry is operated by the Global Name Registry.

  2. What is the purpose of the .name extension?

    The .name domain name extension, or Top Level Domain (TLD), is meant to be used for personal email forwarding and domain name registration (for example, and

  3. Are there any restrictions about who can register?
    You can register a .name domain name and email forwarding address if:
    • It's your personal name.
    • It's the name of a fictional character for which you hold the trademark or service mark.
    • It's your personal name with additional characters (for example,

  4. In what format do .name domain names need to be?


    Please check out the formatting FAQ's here for further information

  5. How long is the registration term?

    You may choose to register your .name domain for a term of 1, 2 or 10 years.

    Simply select the term length when you apply for the .name domain.  If the domain is successfully registered on your behalf, your credit card will be charged for the term length you selected in the application process.

  6. Am I charged for unsuccessful applications?

    No. If the domain is successfully registered on your behalf, however, your credit card will be charged for the term length you selected in the application process.

  7. Can I register a .name domain name without the email forwarding address or a .name email forwarding address without the domain name?

    At the present time, you can register a .name domain without the email forwarding address, but not the email forwarding address without the domain name.

  8. What is the .name application process and how long does it take?

    You can apply at any time. Applications will be batched and submitted to the OpenSRS Registrar (Tucows) on the following dates:
    1st Landrush Period Dec 14, 2001
    2nd Landrush Period Jan 15, 2002
    3rd Landrush Period Jan 29, 2002
    4th Landrush Period Feb 12, 2002
    5th Landrush Period Feb 26, 2001
    6th Landrush Period Mar 12, 2002
    7th Landrush Period Apr 9, 2002
    8th Landrush Period Apr 23, 2002

    After each batch is processed by the Registry, you will be notified via email for a successful registration. Please be patient.

    Any individual or entity is eligible to register a Personal Name if it falls into one of the following categories:

    1. The personal name of an individual. Any person can register his or her own personal name. Further, a parent may register the Personal Name of his/her child, provided that the registration is in the name of the child. The same applies to names given as gifts (e.g. personal birthday gifts or from an employer to an employee). All registrations must remain in the name of the rightful owner of the domain.
    2. The name of a fictional character. Any individual or entity can register a Personal Name of a fictional character if that individual or entity has trademark or service mark rights to that name. This allows certain fictitious names to maintain a .name presence alongside individuals.
    3. Additional characters. Registrants may add numeric characters to the beginning or end of a Personal Name to differentiate it from other Personal Names. For instance, if is already registered, an eligible registrant may opt to purchase or

    Domain Name Registrations can be made for periods of either 1, 2 or 10 years.

    Real time registrations are expected to begin in or after May 2002.

    Neither GNR, Tucows, or SelectNet will be verifying whether the registrants personal names match the registration. Registrations must be challenged using the proper challenge procedure.

  9. Do I get an email account with my .name bundle?

    Your email forwarding bundle includes only forwarding capabilities, not an email account. You may obtain an email account with a Web hosting account or an Internet access account with SelectNet.

  10. Where does my email forwarding address forward to?

    Your email forwarding service will forward to the administrative contact email address on the domain name. You can modify your email address by using the Domain Manager.

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