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E-Commerce Hosting Components

The following components are typical for most e-commerce Web sites. If you have any questions, we are happy to consult with you about your particular e-commerce situation. We try to make the setup process as simple as possible. Please give us a call at 760-438-9555 to speak with an e-commerce hosting specialist.

  1. Select a Hosting Company

    The first step to opening an on-line store is to select a hosting company. The hosting company should be able to provide you with a reliable, secure, easy, and powerful environment within which to establish your on-line business. Since 1995, SelectNet Internet Services has been providing hosting services to many corporations from around the world. Our technical expertise, easy-to-use e-commerce packages, competitive pricing, and friendly support staff combine to provide you with the best possible solution.

  2. Choose a Storefront System


    The second step is to choose the right store creation and management tool. Such a tool is generally called a shopping cart. It should allow you to easily create your store, provide a friendly shopping environment, process orders securely, calculate shipping cost and taxes, and manage orders received. All of SelectNet's E-Commerce plans are bundled with Miva® Merchant or Miva® Order and are scaled for your particular level of hosting needs. There is no programming required and all you need is a browser to create, edit and modify your storefront.

  3. Select an E-Commerce Hosting Plan

    The third step is to choose the right E-Commerce hosting plan. Your online store is only a portion of your entire web site. You may want to have more detail about your company and your products and services, streaming video or audio, registration forms, announcement e-mail list, and other interactive features.

    SelectNet's E-Commerce plans include plenty of disk space, generous traffic allowances, a rock-solid e-mail system, and bundled video streaming all under your own domain name. A complete Web hosting solution for your company.

  4. Setup a Merchant Account/Payment Gateway

    The fourth step is to establish your real-time credit card account. There are two components to this. First is an Internet-ready merchant account that allows you to accept credit cards. Second is a secure payment gateway system. Miva supports all of the most popular payment gateways, including Verisign, Authorize Net, etc.

  5. SSL Digital Certificate

    The fifth step is to obtain your SSL digital certificate. This is the component that locks the padlock or displays the key on the browser. SSL encrypts the data transmitted to our servers from the users computer (like credit card information). Your customers will be pleased that their sensitive information is being protected with the latest in encryption technology.

  6. Open for Business

    Once you are ready to open for business, you need to generate traffic to your site. The first step is to submit your site to the most popular search engines. Keep in mind though that this is just the first step and there are many other ways to attract customers to your on-line store. All of SelectNet's E-commerce Hosting customers receive free access to Global Submit, our search engine submission tool.


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