SelectNet Internet Services

Internet Solutions for the Business Community




T1/T3 Point-to-Point

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T1 Frequently Asked Questions

What is a T1 Line?

T1 is a term for a digital carrier facility used to transmit DS-1 formatted digital signals at 1.544 megabits per second. This is made up of 24 digital channels. This requires a digital connection device (CSU/DSU {customer switching unit/digital switching unit}) to connect to four wires to carry the information. A Full T1 should accommodate from one to over 200+ users and other services.

Do I have to have a "full T1"?

No! T1 speeds run up to 1.5 Mbps for a full T1. SelectNet also offers a Fractional T1, where you recieve only a portion of the maximum bandwidth. This, of course, gives you the stability of the T1 connection (but for a lower cost) and allows for increasing bandwidth in the future as needed.

How do I get a T1 line?

Just place an order with SelectNet. The circuit between your premises and our POP is provisioned through the local carrier and typically takes 3-4 weeks to install.

What hardware do I need to use a T1?

To use a T1 you need at least a router with a built in T1 link and a NIC (Network Interface Card) plus an internal or external CSU/DSU. SelectNet can provide this equipment for you, either by purchase or lease.

What can I do with a T1?

The T1 connection is a dedicated link. Unlike ISDN and analog modem dial-up connections, the T1 connection is up 24 hours a day. Because of this, you may run servers from your premises. But most of all, there are no phone company per call charges like with a dial-up access account.

How many IP addresses do I get?

As many as you can justify a need for. Please read our Terms and Conditions for more information.

Can I get more IP addresses later?

Yes, see above, but if you upgrade to a larger block you may need to renumber.

Can I run my own servers?

Yes, you can run your own DNS, mail, or web servers.

Can I do my own DNS?

Yes. SelectNet also provides this service, and can be your backup DNS for a small monthly fee.

Can I have a website with T1 service?

The T1 service is simply a link to the Internet. If you want to run your own web server, it will work fine with a T1 connection.

How am I billed?

You will be billed monthly in advance of service.

What do I do if my T1 line goes down?

Call SelectNet customer support at 760-438-9555.

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