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Dial-up Access Support

Windows 95/98 Configuration
Windows 2000 Configuration

Windows 95/98 Configuration

  1. Click the Start button point to Settings and choose Control Panel.
  2. Click the Network icon.
  3. Verify that Dial-up adapter and the TCP/IP protocol are installed.
  4. If they are not follow the following steps, If they are you may skip to #26.
  5. Click the Add button.
  6. Select the Protocol component.
  7. Click the Add button.
  8. Click Microsoft under Manufacturers.
  9. Click TCP/IP under Network Protocols.
  10. Click the OK button.
  11. Click the Add button.
  12. Select the Adapter component.
  13. Click the Add button.
  14. Select Microsoft under Manufacturers.
  15. Click the Dial-up Adapter on the right.
  16. Click the OK button.
  17. You should now have Dial-Up Adapter, and TCP/IP.
  18. Click the Dial-Up Adapter Component.
  19. Click the Properties button.
  20. Click the Advanced tab.
  21. Click Use IPX header compression.
  22. In the Value field, click on the down arrow and select No.
  23. Click the OK button.
  24. When Windows 95/98 prompts you to restart the computer, click OK.
  25. Wait for the computer to restart.

    This may take a few minutes.

  26. Double-click My Computer icon.
  27. Double-click the Dial-Up Networking icon.
  28. Double-click the Make New Connection icon.
  29. Under Type a name for the computer you are dialing type SelectNet.
  30. Click the Configure button.

  31. Check that the Maximum speed setting is correct for your modem (for 28.8 modems use 38400, for 56.6 modems use 115200.)
  32. Make sure that Only connect at this speed is not checked. Click OK.
  33. Click the Next button.
  34. Determine which access number (POP) that is local for you.
  35. Type the area code and telephone numbers in the appropraite fields.
  36. Click the Next button.

  37. Click the Finish button.

  38. Click the SelectNet icon.
  39. Click File from the menu bar.
  40. Click Properties.
  41. Click the Server Type button.

  42. Uncheck Log on to network.
  43. Check Enable software compression.
  44. Uncheck Require encrypted password.
  45. Uncheck NetBEUI.
  46. Uncheck IPX/SPX Compatible.
  47. Check TCP/IP.
  48. Click the TCP/IP Settings button.

  49. Select Server assigned IP address.
  50. Select Server assigned name server addresses.
  51. Click the OK button.

  52. Click OK again.
  53. Click OK one more time.

You have successfully configured Windows 95/98 to connect to the Internet.

Windows 2000 Configuration

  1. Click the Start button, click Settings, and choose Control Panel.

  2. Double-click the Network and Dial-up Connections icon.

  3. Double-click the Make New Connection icon.

  4. Click the Next button.

  5. Select Dial-up to the Internet.
  6. Click the Next button.

  7. Select I want to set up my Internet connection manually, or I want to connect through a local area network (LAN).
  8. Click the Next button.

  9. Select I connect through a phone line and a modem.
  10. Click the Next button.

  11. In the Area Code field, type the area code of your local access number.
  12. In the Telephone number field, type your local access number.
  13. Click the Advanced button.

  14. Click on the Connection tab.
  15. Click the PPP (Point to Point Protocol) radio button in the Connection type area.
  16. Check the box next to Disable LCP Extensions.
  17. Click the None radio button in the Logon procedure area.

  18. Click on the Addresses tab.
  19. Click the My ISP automatically provides a Domain Name Server (DNS) address radio button in the DNS server address area.
  20. Click the OK button.

  21. Click the Next button.

  22. In the User name field, type your username.
  23. In the Password field, type your password.
  24. Click the Next button.

  25. In the Connection Name field, type your domain name (i.e. SelectNet).
  26. Click the Next button.

  27. Click the Yes radio button in the Do you want to set up an Internet mail account now area.
  28. Click the Next button.

  29. In the Display Name field, type your name.
  30. Click the Next button.

  31. In the E-mail address field, type your email address.
  32. Click the Next button.

  33. Click the down arrow on the My incoming mail server is a __ server drop-down list and choose POP3.
  34. In the Incoming mail server field, type the POP3 mail server name specific to your domain.
  35. In the Outgoing mail server field, type the SMTP mail server name specific to your domain.
  36. Click the Next button.

  37. In the Account name field, type your username.
  38. In the Password field, type your password.
  39. Check the box next to Remember passwordif you would like to have your password saved.
  40. Click the Next button.

  41. Check the box next to To connect to the Internet immediately...if you would like to connect right away to the Internet.
  42. Click the Finish button.

You have successfully configured Windows 2000 to connect to the Internet.

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