SelectNet Internet Services

Internet Solutions for the Business Community

Wireless Internet Access

Prices and Features
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San Diego County, Ventura County, and Inland Empire Coverage Areas

Wireless Access Features:

  • Always open, dedicated connection.
  • Multiple computers can be connected to the service.
  • Managed or Unmanaged service available.
  • Optional dynamically assigned IP addresses with managed service.
  • Ten e-mail accounts with unlimited aliasing.
  • Add-ons available: Domain name registration and hosting, extra e-mail addresses.
  • Satisfaction guarantee.

Dedicated Internet Access Pricing:

Access Speed Hardware Monthly
Service Fee
384k/384 kbps $500  FREE $129.00
512/512 kbps $500  FREE $179.00
768/768 kbps $500  FREE $199.00
1.0/1.0 Mbps $500  FREE $249.00
1.5/1.5 Mbps $500  FREE $299.00
2.0/2.0 Mbps $500  FREE $399.00
2.5/2.5 Mbps $500  FREE $499.00

Installation Pricing: 

Term One Time Fee
1 Year Agreement $299.00
2 Year Agreement $199.00
3 Year Agreement $99.00

IP Addresses: 

Address Block Monthly Fee
8 IP Address (5 Usable) FREE
16 IP Address (13 Usable) $20.00
32 IP Address (29 Usable) $50.00
64 IP Address (61 Usable) $100.00
128 IP Address (125 Usable) $150.00
Class "C" $250.00

Special Notes:

(1) The customer must provide an Ethernet connection to their network. For security purposes, an Ethernet router that supports NAT is strongly recommended.
(2) Initial service period begins on the actual network activation date. SelectNet accepts MasterCard, Visa, AmEx or check for payment. Please read the "Terms and Conditions" on this Web site plus the "Special Provisions" on the Wireless Order Form for further information.
(3) Certain additional charges will apply if the customer needs to move the Wireless connection to a new location, downgrade its service, or (for unmanaged services) if the customer requires a service repair.
(4) The actual bandwidth that can be delivered cannot be determined until the time of service installation and as a result may differ from the bandwidth you order.
(5) The provisioning of wireless service is contingent upon the availability of Sky River's service coverage area.

Satisfaction Guarantee

You may cancel your Service (without penalty) during the first 30 days following the Actual Network Activation Date (ANAD) if you are not satisfied for any reason. After the first month, a termination charge will apply. The termination charge will at a minimum consist of $500.00 or the remaining monthly service fee for the initial service period, whichever is less. No matter when you terminate service, you will be responsible for payment of all charges incurred prior to termination. Certain additional terms and conditions apply. Please see the SelectNet Terms and Conditions and the Special Provisions on the Wireless Order form for full details.

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