SelectNet Internet Services

Internet Solutions for the Business Community

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Domain Name Rules

  • .COM - to be used for commercial and personal sites
  • .NET - recommended for companies involved in Internet infrastructure
  • .ORG - recommended for not-for-profit organizations
  • Use only letters, numbers, or hyphen ("-")
  • Cannot begin or end with a hyphen
  • Must have less than 63* characters, not including .COM, .NET and .ORG
* .com, .net and .org domain names exceeding a total of 26 characters are supported by most web browsers. However, certain web browsers, email programs and other Internet related applications may not support domain names over 26 characters.

  • .INFO - to be used for both commercial and personal sites
  • Use only letters, numbers, or hyphen ("-")
  • Cannot begin or end with a hyphen
  • Must have at least 3 characters and less than 63 characters, not including .INFO
  • At this time, .INFO does not support multilingual domain names in foreign character sets, but it may in the future.

  • .BIZ - to be used for both commercial and personal sites
  • Use only letters, numbers, or hyphen ("-")
  • Cannot begin or end with a hyphen
  • Cannot have two hyphens in a row
  • Must have at least 3 characters and less than 63 characters, not including .BIZ

  • .CC - Cocos (Keeling) Islands, to be used for commercial and personal sites
  • Use only letters, numbers, or hyphen ("-")
  • Cannot begin or end with a hyphen
  • Cannot contain all numbers
  • Must have at least 3 characters, but less than 47, not including .CC

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