What technologies do you support?
Real Networks' RealSystem G2 and Windows Media Server are available for your streaming media content.
Should I use RealNetworks or Windows Media?
This is largely a matter of personal preference. SelectNet supports both platforms. You may want to check out
the web sites for both RealNetworks and Windows Media to find out the pros and cons of each technology. You can find the links
to each web site in the 'Overview' box on the right side of this page.
What's the difference between SureStream and Single Rate encoding?
These terms apply to RealNetworks' technology only, however, Windows Media has
similar capabilities.
Single rate encoding is when the digital media file that you are making can be played back at one speed
only. This is typically used if you will be streaming from a web server rather than from a media server. This type of encoding has
drawbacks. For instance, if you encode the file at a high speed, and the user is connected to the Internet at
56k, the media file will not 'stream' to the users computer. Playback, if at all, will have long delays while the
video frames are downloaded to the users computer. As soon as enough frames are downloaded to show a smooth picture, the file is played.
SureStream technology enables you to encode your material in multiple
speeds within one file. This is the best method to use if you want to provide the highest quality video
to your users. When a user clicks on the link to play the video, RealServer G2 will automatically negotiate the
connection speed to the user and supply the correct speed for them. When using
the SureStream option to encode files it is best not to select to many speeds
as the file size grows very quickly. Two or three speeds are reasonable.
What does on-demand streaming cost?
It depends on the platform and whether or not it is bundled with one of our Web hosting accounts. For unbundled (streaming media only) accounts, check out
the details here. For bundled (included with web hosting) accounts, check out
the details here.
Data transfer is calculated monthly and depends on three factors:
1) The number of times your content is viewed.
2) Whether or not the entire file is viewed.
Let's say you have encoded a RealNetworks SureStream file at 3 different speeds. The user
requesting the file from your web site is viewing with a 128kbps DSL line. The server will negotiate the
speed with the users computer and deliver the 80kbps stream in the SureStream file. If the video is 5 minutes long, the
total data transfer will be:
80kbps x 60sec per min x 5min / 8bits per byte / 1024bytes per MB = 3MB
If 50 people viewed this file in one month, the total data transfer would be 3x50 or 150MB.
Do I need to encode my own files?
No. But it will save you some money if you do. SelectNet offers full encoding services if you don't have the equipment or
desire to learn the technology.
Are there good encoding tools available?
Yes, both RealNetworks and Windows Media supply software for encoding streaming media. It can be downloaded from their
respective web sites by following the links in the 'Overview' box on the right hand side of this page. Your computer will also need
a video capture card. We have had good success with the Osprey line of products.
How do I upload my encoded files to your server?
Since encoded files tend to be large, we issue you an FTP account to upload files. Our Online Customer Service section
has detailed information about how to FTP to the video server. Also, when your streaming media account is set up, you will receive
account configuration information and content linking information.
How do I link from my web site to my video files?
It depends on the streaming platform you are using (RealNetworks or Windows Media). When you sign up for an account,
this information is provided to you. In addition, the RealNetworks or Windows Media web sites have detailed tutorials on this topic.
What if I need more disk space?
Just let us know of your intent to exceed your storage maximum and we will bump you up to the next higher hosting level. If you are already
at the highest plan, additional disk space is allocated in 50MB chunks. See the "Add-ons" section for your hosting type.
What does live streaming cost?
Live streaming has a couple of cost components depending on your situation.
First there is the setup fee. It is based on
the number of available streams you would like for the webcast, whether or not you will be doing
the encoding and, if you do the encoding, the type of connection between
the encoder computer(s) and our video server.
Second is the service fee. It consists of a base fee plus a data transfer fee.
The data transfer is calculated daily and depends on four factors:
1) How many users view the event.
2) How long they stay on.
3) What connection speed they have to the Internet.
4) The encoding rate of your live event.
Let's say you are encoding a RealNetworks SureStream live event at 3 different speeds. The live event lasts for 30 minutes each weekday Monday - Friday for a 1 week period. The user
requesting to view the event from your web site is viewing with a 128kbps DSL line. The server will negotiate the
speed with the users computer and deliver the 80kbps stream from the SureStream file. The
data transfer per day for that user will be:
80kbps x 60sec per min x 30min / 8bits per byte / 1024bytes per MB = 18MB/day
If the user viewed this event for 5 days, the total data transfer would be 18x5 or 90MB/user. If there were 50 users who watched the event over the
5 day period, the total data transfer would be 5x90 = 450MB for that week.
What is required to do a live Audio/Video event?
There is no simple answer, because each event is different. Two components, encoding and serving, are always required however. Encoding the live event
is typically the most difficult aspect. If the encoder is near a video and audio source, such as a satellite downlink or in a video/audio control facility, the encoding
can be fairly straightforward. The next challenge is sending the encoded digital signal to the video server(s). This requires a clean, high bandwidth pipe so the signal will not
be disrupted.
SelectNet's computer facility is equipped with satellite equipment which works very good as long as the video signal is available via satellite. If it is, the encoders can be housed
on the network where the servers are positioned thereby reducing the chances of network congestion disrupting the signal between the encoder and server(s).
How can I limit my data transfer expense exposure?
Encoding your live event at lower bit rates will reduce your financial
exposure. For live streaming, we can only limit the number of concurrent connections to 400. Remember, 80kbps video uses about
4 times the bandwidth as audio does.